You can find on this page the Lyon zipcodes map to print and to download in PDF. The Lyon zip code map presents postal codes, address lookup and code list of Lyon in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - France.

Lyon postcodes map

Map of Lyon zip codes

The Lyon postcodes map shows all the zip codes of Lyon. This zip code map of Lyon will allow you to easily find postal codes and address lookup of Lyon in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes - France. The Lyon postcode map is downloadable in PDF, printable and free.

Lyon Post Office Postal code is 69129 CEDEX 08. Lyon is located in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, Rhône, Arrondissement de Lyon France. The map coordinates of latitude and longitude for Lyon 69129 CEDEX 08 are 45.7485, 4.8467 as shown in Lyon postcodes map. Postcodes or Pin Codes or postcodes are assigned to various geographical areas or addresses or to institutions which receives large number of mails. It is Alphanumeric code which contains the location info to which it is assigned.

The postal code was implemented in France in 1964 by La Poste . There is a postcode for each municipality which in 1972 had a mail distribution office. Each postal code is made up of 5 digits. The first 2 digits of the postal code correspond to the department (except in rare cases of neighboring villages). For Corsica, the postal codes start with 20. The division of Corsica has not resulted in any modification. The next 3 digits of the postal code identify the distributor office. As a general rule, these 3 digits are 0 for prefectures (000). For Paris, Marseille and Lyon, the last 2 digits of the postal code indicate the municipal district. For the army, the first 2 digits of the postal code are '00' as its mentioned in Lyon postcodes map.

The average area postcodes in Lyon is 5.4 km² with the largest being 69007 at 9.7 km² and the smallest being 69001 at 1.574 km² as you can see in Lyon postcodes map. In Lyon the average population for a postal code is 54,372 with the most populated being postcode 69003 at 93,181. The average population density for a postal code in Lyon is 11,223 / km² with the densest being postcode 69001 at 16,753 / km². The median age for postal code in Lyon range from 30.8 years old for 69007 to 37.6 years old for 69004.